powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2010-12-05 - 11:31 p.m.

I know you know just what you like and I am really not your thing, but just in case you change your mind, I wrote this song for you to sing.

So, as always it's been quite some time and I guess I should update
how things are panning out in the world of the female. True to form,
it seems largely pointless.
C is still my be all and end all. I can't really claim otherwise. We
went to Seattle together to see Quinn. A number of times she
mentioned how important it was for the interaction with someone to
be right for her, despite the obvious contradiction with whom she
was talking to. I took the opportunity to mention how frustrating it
was that actually I seem to become less desirable the more people
get to know me. Despite their opinion of me continuing to increase.
We had to spend every night sharing a bed, and yet nothing
happened. To have her so close was insane.
Then one evening there was a little more drinking, I had to leave
earlyish as I had to go to San Francisco the next day, another story
entirely! Of course C being drunk meant that she also managed to
pick up the interest of one guy. I'd managed to leave my camera
behind and she popped in to drop it back, adding at the same time
that she was going to hook up with the guy. Great, that's exactly
what I want to hear!
Unexpectedly she turned up later in the night, I only realised once
she was in bed, she can't have been in long though as she was still
cold. I decided to play on the drunkenness and roll over with my arm
around her and snuggle up. It turned out she, for this night only, in
just her bra and pants. Oh to have got a decent view and a picture!
But it was bliss to be that close to her, she smelt amazing. She
seems to be unaware this happened as I mentioned that I woke up
with my arm around her and she was surprised.
But that is as close as I'll ever get I guess. I suppose there are some
benefits from her reduced presence in my life. :s

On other fronts things with Olga can still be difficult. It doesn't help
that my mind can wander down that route now and again. I think this
is more from knowing the relationship was never bad, and as such
is better than what I have, this tied in to the fact that she was the
last person to really show interest.

Otherwise there is one lass, Aino, at work. She's new and very cute,
whilst I have managed to start up conversations with her, her level
of interest in me seems to be next to non-existant. :(

Closer to home and people who have been mentioned before - the
Veera situation appears to be a non-starter if she doesn't date at all.
Both Elina and Riitta have ended up staying in the spare room for
extended periods. I've enjoyed both their company, however with E
she regularly moans that no men are any good, i believe dropping
hints, but unfortunately her attraction is not what it once was and
continually mentions her plans to leave. Riitta on the otherhand, we
have specific things in common and she is attractive, it's just that
sometimes it feels a little forced. She has been a lot more active in
contacting me and I am taking this as interest, although it could just
be because she's in my apartment. A drunken night could certainly
clear the situation, but I think I will suggest a date when she moves

Finally, I'm in Linz and invited Cat over, but unfortunately she
couldn't really afford it. Shame, I could really do with a booty call!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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