powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2013-01-07 - 10:24 p.m.

I just lost my bestfriend, I miss you so much I want my life to end. I cannot get up from down here, I cried until the dust appeared.

So it is done.

Apparently the mail got stuck in a spam filter. Really? Again there was an excuse why you couldn't respond with out some sizeable delay? Maybe so. It just seems that my messages seem beset to go that way. I think it does point to the fact that she saw it on Thursday, hence the post. So she still had a chance to answer.

Anyway long and short of it, she said a definite 'No' as expected, So now I shut up shop. I'm not sure if it'll ever open again, so I said my goodbyes.

There's a chance she misinterpreted my response where i stated i used an extreme reply to ensure a response. As I expected no real return from my good bye and all i recieved was a curt 'I'm glad you got what you wanted'

Ah well. So be it.

Now the road begins, if only I knew quite where it started and indeed where it will end.


Still, maybe there will be peace along the way.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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