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2013-01-21 - 10:16 p.m.

I think I'm picking up a little, probably simply due to the fact that I have quite so much going on at the moment.

I invited Olga to go skiing. I'm not really sure why, it isn't part of a big plan, but I do enjoy her company and I'll probably be a bit more settled. A week will be a test though.

I did a fake roll - 3 came up (of course) I'm not following through on that.

I saw the girl at the supermarket away from the cashier's desk today. I avoided the aisle. :(

Why am i so shitty with women? My confidence is essentially nothing and yet it should at least have some basis. I have bedded 10 women, so i'm not repulsive, but just super shy.

I should text Kiiri to see if she wants to go for a drink.

I don't know, part of me is waiting for Aino. I have the plan to get her over for food (with others) when she returns from travelling. Then I'm also meant to sort her laptop for her (I still think her (possibly ex) BF did the original set up, so i'm confused why he doesn't give it the once over unless he is an ex.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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