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2013-12-15 - 11:43 a.m.

My brain is messed up severe.

Aino and I have interacted well everyday this week. It's been good, I've really enjoyed that opportunity.

Last night there was a house party. I had thought it could be a good opportunity to try and assess my chances.

The only issue is being surrounded by work folk I tend to not be very forward. Also the host who in theory is dating my ex, although this seems unclear, seemed to be quite focussed on Aino too.

We moved on to a bar and managed to situate things so the host was further away from her. Fine. I was sat almost opposite. Great, that helps me interact directly and keep her attention.

Yet time goes on and then it looks like she's getting close to a Finnish guy in the group. The one who hasn't said much to her and actually it seems was barely capable of formulating a sentence.

They're holding hands! What the actual Fuck???? How does that happen? I think she was trying to keep it subtle, but yet he was a little more open, playing with her hair etc. Don't get me wrong this is entirely from zero. Is that all that is needed here? Just grabbing?

I tried to show I wasn't happy about it, catching her eye now and again.

Then as they started to look to leave. Together. She had to help him put on his fucking coat! Fuck's sake. I decided I had to try something, so I sent her a message saying we needed to talk. She didn't get it whilst she went to the loo, so when saying goodbye I told her specifically that I needed to talk.

It seems she walked him home as she sent me a message later. So I said that I still like her a lot. I told her that I got jealous with the Jani thing.

I just need to know if I have a chance. Rather than missing out again.

So now it's game changing time. At least I should come away with a definitive answer. It's just sooner than I expected and it feels like I might be too late already.

At least a holiday is a week away so if it gets a little weird then there's some space.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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